NPS form specification ---------------------- This document acts as a guideline to specify an NPS request (form). The goal for this format is to be convenient to read for Human and machines. The other goal is to make it executable: copy/pasting in a command-line should enable someone to start sending the form. Here's the format: nc 1915 > shore/$USERNAME/page.txt > $CITIZEN_ID > DATA > . It starts with `nc`, which is a widely available utility. Copy-pasting the first line in a terminal should start a TCP session with the host. All lines starting with a `>` are lines that the user should enter. Any text should be copy/pasted with the exception of words that start with a $ sign: $USERNAME should be replaced by a username $CITIZEN_ID should be replaced by a value Finally, the special word DATA can be used to describe the last part of the request. DATA means "any content can be written here, spanning any number of line, until the end of the request".